Celebrating Diversity and Love at Institut Marquès

18. June 2024
Institut Marquès

On Saturday 13 April 2024, families gathered at Institut Marquès in Barcelona for a heartwarming storytelling event that celebrated diversity, love, and the magic of storytelling. 

A day of smiles and stories 

The event welcomed families of many backgrounds, including single mothers, couples with two mothers, and heterosexual couples. Influencer Noemí Catalán, a collaborator with Institut Marquès, read several of her books. Her focus was to explain to children born through gamete donation where they come from in a simple, direct, and clear way. Noemi’s narratives celebrated diversity and love in all its forms. Regardless of their family model, the goal was to help these young minds understand their unique histories. 

Exploring the world of science and life 

Institut Marquès transformed into a magical space for the morning. Families explored the IVF laboratory, and the children became little biologists, their curiosity and enthusiasm shining through. Lidia Vilagrasa, Affiliate and Content Manager at Institut Marquès, expressed her delight: "It was a pleasure to witness how these children engaged with the world of science and life." 

A huge thank you!

A huge congratulations to all those involved in making this day happen including all the associates such as Anna Morales, IVF Lab Technician, who acted as the embryologist showing the children how the IVF process takes place, and put much effort and enthusiasm into the event!