Celebrating the Success of Our Specialist Zuzana Holubcová: An Advancement in Human Embryo Research

20. August 2024

We are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement by our esteemed specialist, Zuzana Holubcová, who is the head of the scientific team at one of our leading clinics, Reprofit International. Her groundbreaking research has advanced our understanding of human embryo development, making significant strides in the field of reproductive medicine. Her recent study, published in collaboration with Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine, reveals novel information about the intricate processes that occur in the earliest stages of human life, offering crucial data that can potentially enhance fertility treatments. 

Zuzana Holubcová and her team have taken advantage of time-lapse records of preimplantation development obtained during clinical in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures to explore the geometry of the first embryonic division. Their observation that zygotic spindle orientation is defined by the position of juxtaposed parental pronuclei challenges the current textbook view derived from experiments in mouse models. By correlating morphokinetic data with known clinical outcomes of individual IVF embryos, they were able to show that the division in the right angle to the pronuclei axis favours accurate chromosome segregation during the first embryonic division, whereas alternative configurations compromise mitotic fidelity. Moreover, the presented data imply that spatial control over the first mitosis becomes is altered by female reproductive aging.

Holubcová’s work is particularly significant as it bridges the gap between science and clinics. The published study not only sheds light on the complexities of human reproduction but also opens new avenues for understanding human embryo propensity to genetic instability and improving embryo quality assessment in clinical practice.

As a scientist at Reprofit International, Zuzana Holubcová has long been recognized for her contributions to embryology and developmental biology. Her commitment to excellence and innovation is evident in this recent study which has  have already garnered international attention, solidifying Holubcová’s reputation as a leader in the field.

 We are incredibly proud of Zuzana Holubcová's accomplishments and are excited to support her continued research endeavors. Her work exemplifies our dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and improving human health through research and innovation.

For more detailed insights into this groundbreaking study, we invite you to read the full press release on Masaryk University’s website.